Respect Life
The following articles can be used in bulletins, newsletters, newspapers, social media and anywhere else that is helpful to you. Each article is available in both English and Spanish in a variety of formats. If you need files in a different format, please email

10 Ways to Support Her When She's Unexpectedly Expecting
Simple, concrete tips on how to provide loving, life-affirming support for a friend who is unexpectedly pregnant.
​Answers from the Catholic perspective to common questions about IVF.
A Perfect Gift
One parent shares a "secret" learned from the experience of having a child with Down syndrome and an inside glimpse into the love-illuminated life of raising a child with special needs.
Accompanying Expectant Mothers Considering Adoption
Drawing from the personal experience of a mother who placed her child for adoption, this article gives nine pointers for offering ongoing support to other expectant mothers considering adoption.
Advance Medical Directives: Planning for Your Future
Learn about the concerns raised by various types of advance directives and the best ways to plan for your future to ensure your life is protected.
An Adoption Love Story
This story of one couple’s journey adopting their son gives an honest look at some concerns, challenges, and joys of welcoming a child through adoption.
Another Look at Abortion
Learn the basics about abortion with this summary of key points and teachings.
This brief reflection explores God's assurance of being with us in times of trial and encourages us to extend his love to others who suffer.
Called to Serve Moms in Need
Reflect on how the witness of our Blessed Mother invites us to become more aware of the needs of pregnant and parenting moms in our parishes and communities and respond with love and compassion.
Children as Commodities
While recognizing the true suffering that can accompany infertility, this article demonstrates that the use of some reproductive technologies does not respect the dignity of the children produced by them.
Catholic Considerations for Our Earthly Passing
As Catholics, we know that death is the door through which we must pass to gain eternal life. Several considerations are provided as starting points for understanding and preparing for our earthly passing in a way that respects God’s gift of human life.
Healing within Marriage from Abortion
Drawing from firsthand accounts, this article illustrates that although many marriages suffer from the effects of one or both spouses’ involvement in abortion, healing and growth as a couple are possible.
How to Build a Culture of Life
In these challenging times when respect for life is so often disregarded, how do we build a culture that cherishes all human life? The answer goes back to our identity and call as Christians.
Live the Gospel of Life
This short reflection explores how Jesus becoming man and redeeming us through his humanity reveals the dignity of all human life and how the Gospel of life is therefore essential to our identity as followers of Christ.
Poverty and Abortion: A Vicious Cycle
Addresses the increasing abortion rate among American women experiencing poverty, the effect of abortion on poverty, and how we are called to respond.
Priorities at the Polls
When discussing the political responsibility of Catholics, the U.S. bishops have repeatedly affirmed, “the threat of abortion remains our pre-eminent priority.” Learn about how we are called to vote in light of this reality.
Radical Solidarity
This short reflection unpacks the theme of radical solidarity, highlighting how Catholics are called to put their love for others into action especially in caring for moms in need.
Serene Attentiveness to God's Creation
Drawing from Pope Francis’s encyclical Laudato Si’, this article explores how healthy relationships with God, one another, and the rest of creation are key to a culture in which we value human life and care for God’s creation at every level.
Serving Moms in Need
This short reflection connects our personal call as Christians to live out the corporal and spiritual works of mercy with care for moms and respect for life.
Seven Considerations While Navigating Infertility
Primarily directed to couples struggling with infertility, this article seeks to provide compassionate guidance that is both practical and informative. Other readers may also find it helpful in better understanding this issue.
St. Joseph, Defender of Life
Reflect on the role of St. Joseph as defender of life. Explore how throughout his life Joseph acted as the faithful protector of both Mary and Jesus.
The Gospel of Life: A Brief Summary
This two-page summary of The Gospel of Life highlights key themes and foundational teachings from the papal encyclical. It explores how the Church’s teachings regarding human life are at the heart of Jesus’ entire Gospel message.
Top Reasons to Oppose Assisted Suicide
Polls indicate the public is receptive to the general concept of assisted suicide. However, when people understand the associated dangers, they are less likely to support the practice. Learn compelling reasons you can share for opposing assisted suicide.
What to Do When a Friend is Considering Abortion
If a friend told you she was pregnant and considering abortion, would you know what to do? Learn concrete tips for loving her in a way that is life-affirming for both her and her child.