This Respect Life poster focuses on our call as Catholics to serve mothers in need, featuring images of women in different stages of early parenthood.
(Available in English and Spanish.)
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Building a Culture of Life
in a Post-Roe World (October 2022)
Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore and then-Chairman of the Committee on Pro-Life Activities, released the statement, "Building a Culture of Life in a Post-Roe World," in advance of Respect Life Month.
His statement celebrates the overturning of Roe as an answer to prayer and invites Catholics to practice "radical solidarity" toward pregnant and parenting mothers.

(Available in English and Spanish.)
Called to Serve Moms in Need​
This short reflection connects our personal call as Christians to live out the corporal and spiritual works of mercy with care for moms and respect for life.
The reflection can be used as the basis for a homily or talk, shared in parish bulletins, printed in your diocesan paper, and included in newsletters. It could also be used as the basis for small group discussions at parish pro-life meetings, in a high school religion class, or simply among friends.

(Available in English and Spanish.)

Serving Moms in Need:
Living the Gospel of Life
This two-page bulletin insert explains the inspiration behind Walking with Moms in Need, which is a way for Catholic parishes and communities to "walk in the shoes" of and serve local pregnant and parenting women in need.​
This resource can be used as a bulletin insert or included in emails and newsletters. It can also be used to facilitate discussion as part of a core team meeting or for private prayer and reflection.
(Available in English and Spanish.)

Living the Joy of the Gospel
A two-page summary of Pope Francis' encyclical Evangelii gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel) explores our Christian call to evangelization and missionary discipleship, highlighting care for those who are vulnerable, like mothers and children on the peripheries.
This resource can be used as a bulletin insert or included in emails and newsletters. It can also be used to facilitate discussion as part of a core team meeting or for private prayer and reflection.
(Available in English and Spanish.)
Twelve prayer guides are available to help you regularly pray for mothers in need in your parish community. Each guide features a different prayer intention, short reflection, suggested actions, and more.
These prayer guides can be featured in Sunday bulletins, included in parish newsletters and emails, and more!

(Available in English and Spanish.)
These homily considerations are designed to help priests and deacons address the important, sensitive topic of abortion with clarity and authentic compassion that affirms the dignity both of women and of their children.
Informed by the research, “Building Catholic Faith and Support for Life” by Heart and Mind Strategies, short bullet points help homilists to weave the Gospel of Life into their message in a compelling way.​

(Available in English & Spanish.)
Introduction to
Walking with Moms in Need
This double-sided flyer succinctly explains Walking with Moms in Need, the opportunities it provides, and the resources available to implement it.
It can be used to promote Walking with Moms in parishes and dioceses.

(Available in English and Spanish.)
The Truth About Abortion
and Women's Health
This one-page resource dispels the many myths which claim restrictions on abortion will limit women's access to life-saving care.
This resource can be printed in parish bulletins, included in newsletters, shared on social media, and more in order to help educate Catholics about these false claims.