St. Joseph, Defender of Life
This Respect Life poster features four scenes from the life of St. Joseph, and includes the petition, “St. Joseph, defender of life, pray for us!”
The poster is 17" x 22", with English on one side and Spanish on the other.
If you need a different file format or have any issues, please contact prolife@usccb.org.

This prayer card features four scenes from the life of St. Joseph with the petition, “St. Joseph, defender of life, pray for us!” The back of the card features a prayer to St. Joseph, defender of life.
The prayer card is 3.5” x 5” and double-sided.
This short reflection unpacks the role of St. Joseph as defender of life. It explores how throughout his life Joseph acted as the faithful protector of both Mary and Jesus.
The reflection can be used as the basis for a homily or talk, shared in parish bulletins, printed in your diocesan paper, and included in newsletters. It could also be used as the basis for small group discussions at parish pro-life meetings, in a high school religion class, or simply among friends.

This novena seeks the intercession of St. Joseph for the many people whose lives are touched by adoption.
While this novena can be prayed at any time of the year, some possible dates to consider offering this novena include:
March 10-18, leading up to the celebration of the Solemnity of Saint Joseph on March 19th.
During the month of June, in honor of Father's Day
During the month of November, in honor of Adoption Awareness Month